February 26, 2011

Skype with Vanna

Being away with your child is a tremendous pain.
3 months away from Vanna is so diffficult!
Since she is in the Philippines which is like 12hours backwards timeframe from the USA, I have to stay up til morning. every night if possible

Funny how it started. I practiced how to skype with her back home in the Philippines.
I taught Vanna'sYaya how to use the computer. Showed her how to sign in. sign out. click this and click that since she doesn't know how. And she did pick it up fast and then I was like..

[Me in the other room on the My laptop]
WIAM:(shouting) I'm calling!!!

[Vanna's Yaya on Vanna's laptop]
Vanna's Yaya: What will I press??
Wiam: The one with "Answer with video call"
Vanna's yaya: (click)

[me running back to see if Yaya got it]
Wiam: yay! you got it! perfect
Vanna: (Starring blankly at the laptop like "what's happening")
Wiam: okay Im going to go back and check out if you see me
Vanna Yaya: Okay

[Me in the other room, on My laptop]
Wiam: so hi!! Vanna! you see Mama???
Vanna: (confused and wondering)
Wiam: Hi baby! see Mama? Peek-a-boo!
Vanna: (giggling laughing)
Wiam: okay! enough of this. I look stupid. so goodbye! just sign out!
Vanna's yaya: Ok bye.

And there you go! we practiced like how to do it several times until she gets it. She was smart. and yah it was crazy to do practice. I know! haha and so. As soon as i landed New Jersey. I opened my laptop, called overseas to go online and skyped everynight since then.

1 comment:

  1. :*) can't even imagine how it would feel. i dont think i have the balls to do that. but in the end...it's all for her right! don't worry...few more days & you'll be with vanna. & a few more months then belle & vanna will meet. whoot!!!
